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Classes for SAP BusinessObjects — BOU310

SAP BusinessObjects Universe Design

This course curriculum is also available as mentoring.

With our mentoring program, you pick the topics that are most relevant to you and your environment. We then teach those specific topics on an individual or small-group basis—in your own environment. You get the best of both worlds: the training you need, plus individual attention to see how it applies to your own environment.

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This course is designed to give you the comprehensive skills needed to design, build and maintain BusinessObjects 6.5, BusinessObjects XI R1/R2, and BusinessObjects XI 3.0/3.1 universes.


  • Anyone responsible for creating and designing universes using Universe Designer


  • Working knowledge of SQL and relational databases
  • Familiarity with BusinessObjects Web Intelligence report building
  • Familiarity with the type of data and the logical structure of the databases in your organization

What you Will Learn

  • Understanding BusinessObjects Universes
    • Define BusinessObjects universe concepts
    • Use the universe development cycle
  • Creating the Course Universe
    • Describe the course database and universe
    • Create the course universes
  • Building the Universe Structure
    • Populate the universe structure
    • Define joins in a universe
  • Creating Dimension Objects
    • Describe classes and objects
    • Create classes and objects
  • Creating Measure Objects
    • Define measure object concepts
    • Create measure objects
    • Create delegated measure objects
  • Resolving Loops in a Universe
    • Understand loops
    • Resolve loops using aliases
    • Resolve loops using contexts
  • Resolving SQL Traps
    • Understand SQL traps and universes
    • Resolve fan traps
    • Resolve chasm traps
  • Applying Restrictions on Objects
    • Restrict the data returned by objects
  • Using @functions with Objects
    • Use @functions
  • Using Hierarchies
    • Understand hierarchies and universes
    • Work with hierarchies
  • Using Lists of Values
    • Create a list of values
    • Work with LOVs in Universe Designer
    • Create a cascading LOV
  • Creating Derived Tables and Indexes
    • Use derived tables
    • Apply index awareness
  • Linking Universes
    • Understand linked universes
    • Create links between universes
  • Applying Universe Access Restrictions
    • Set access restrictions on a universe
  • Managing Universes
    • Document universes
    • Deploy universes
    • Maintain universes
    • Deploy universes in multiple languages

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