Business Intelligence Solutions for your Department

Sales and Marketing

Improving information delivery and providing strategic value are the cornerstones of a successful business intelligence (BI) deployment. A strategy that aligns with corporate goals, plans and objectives will provide real business value by ensuring that the business intelligence solution precisely and directly supports real business needs.

Sales Analysis & Planning

  • Monitor key sales metrics, interpret sales drivers, and optimize the sales process
  • Understand and optimize your sales force, revenue per customer, and pipeline performance over time.
  • Develop robust sales forecasting models to reduce staffing impacts, integrate production and operational planning, and balance supply and demand.

Campaign Analytics

  • Plan your campaign strategy by knowing which activities work, which do not, and why.
  • Give your organization the information and answers to precise questions on campaign performance like:
    • How is my campaign progressing against its objective?
    • Is it doing better or worse than previous campaigns at this stage?
    • Is there a demographic difference between responders and non-responders?

Customer Analysis

  • Understand what drives customer behavior and loyalty and identify critical customers and work to retain them by responding swiftly to opportunities and threats.
  • Customer Analysis can help marketing managers:
    • Maximize customer value and profitability
    • Track customer behavior and change over time
    • Target key customer segments with new and innovative product offerings

Ready to work with us? Get in touch